Ice Cream & Uric Acid Research
Concerned how ice cream affects gout? Read ice cream & uric acid facts.
Like many foods, there is a limited amount of research into the effects of eating ice cream on uric acid. However, this review shows that we can consider two aspects of ice cream when planning gout-friendly dietary patterns:
- As a dairy product, the uric acid benefits of milk and yogurt can also apply to ice cream.
- Flavoring ice cream with ingredients that lower uric acid is a way to add more benefits for gout sufferers.
Ice Cream & Uric Acid Research Topics
Here are 3 ice cream studies that show statistical, practical, and potential benefits for uric acid reduction.
Ice Cream & Decreased Uric Acid
In my first study, ice cream is grouped with other dairy foods. Then statistics show that high dairy consumption is linked to decreased uric acid.
Kiyohara, C., Kono, S., Honjo, S., Todoroki, I., Sakurai, Y., Nishiwaki, M., Hamada, H., Nishikawa, H., Koga, H., Ogawa, S. and Nakagawa, K., 1999. Inverse association between coffee drinking and serum uric acid concentrations in middle-aged Japanese males. British Journal of Nutrition, 82(2), pp.125-130.
A summary consumption frequency score for dairy products was calculated by adding together consumption frequencies of milk, yoghurt and ice-cream. […] a high consumption frequency of dairy products was significantly associated with decreased serum uric acid concentrations
Coffee Ice Cream Reduces Uric Acid
My second study is a small scale intervention in patients with high uric acid using coffee ice cream. The results showed lower uric acid in patients eating coffee ice cream. Compared to those patients who did not eat the ice cream.
Sya'diyah, H., Huda, N. and Januartiwi, D.P., 2015. The Effect Of Coffee Ice Cream On The Decrease Of The Content Of Blood Uric Acid On The Patient Of Hiperurisema In Manukan Wetan SUB District-Surabaya.
Implication from this research is coffee ice cream can reduce blood uric acid levels to hyperuricemia patient. So, all hyperuricemia patient can apply coffee ice cream as therapy choice alternative of non-pharmacologics to reduce high blood uric acid levels.
Rose Petal Ice Cream & Uric Acid
My final study describes a rose petal ice cream. With an indirect link to uric acid. Due to its high vitamin C content. So the link between ice cream and uric acid is tenuous without further investigation.
Kanse, S.A., Chopde, K.D. and Shingh, S.H.U.V.A.M., 2020. Development of vitamin C and antioxidants enriched artisanal Gelato Ice cream by incorporating gulkand. Multilogic in Science, 10, pp.1168-1173.
Bloods’ uric acid levels and risk of Gout are lowered by the intake of vitamin C rich diet. Looking at the importance of natural ingredients, efforts have been made to prepare Artisanal Gelato ice cream by incorporating ‘Gulkand’, which is rich in Antioxidants (52.07 mg/100gm) and vitamin C (37.4 mg/100 gm).
Ice Cream & Uric Acid Research Status
I have started to apply some of my ice cream research to gout articles. So see ice cream and gout and Is Ice Cream Bad for Gout? I am continuing my research in the Ice Cream & Gout Templates Project. Which you can join to collaborate with my research. Or simply to get advance notice of facts before I publish them.
Your Ice Cream & Uric Acid Research Story
Which aspects of ice cream are you interested in? How do you think eating ice cream might help or hinder your gout?
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